مخطوطة الأنساب - الناسخ عبد الله الهروي - تاريخ النسخ شعبان 871 هجري/ مارس 1476 م - اللغة عربية فارسية - عنوان النشر Nasabnāma - رقم النشر Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, M V 5 - الناشر e-codices – Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland

watch_later السبت، 3 فبراير 2018

مخطوطة الأنساب

 الناسخ عبد الله الهروي

 تاريخ النسخ شعبان 871 هجري/ مارس1467م 

اللغة : عربية + فارسية

 عنوان النشر Nasabnāma 

 رقم النشر Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, M V 5

 الناشر e-codices – Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland

Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, M V 5
Paper · 31 ff. · 27.5 x 18 cm · Herat · middle of Šaʿbān 871 h. [= end of March 1467]

Language: Arabic, Persian
Manuscript Summary: This Persian-Arabic manuscript, written in Herat by ʿAbdallāh al-Harawī and completed Middle of Šaʿbān 871 h. [= end of March 1467], contains genealogical information about the Prophet Muhammad and his descendants, as well as about people important to the subsequent history of the eastern part of the Islamic world and of Central Asia, among them the Khan of Moghulistan, Tughluq Timur († 1363). Sayyid Ǧalāladdīn Mazīd Bahādur is named as the person who commissioned the manuscript; he probably was part of the local upper class. Interspersed in the text are quotations from the Koran, prayers and poems; an appendix gives exact death dates for three people who passed away in the year 869 h. and who may have been part of the circle of the man who commissioned the manuscript. The decoration of the manuscript is incomplete, as can be seen from an only partially completed rosette (3r) and a missing family tree (26v). The manuscript was owned by Rudolf Tschudi (1884-1960).  (wur)
Standard description: Aus: HAN, Verbundkatalog Handschriften - Archive - Nachlässe, 2017.

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