Excel 2016 Introduction - Stephen Moffat, The Mouse Training Company - ISBN: 978-87-403-1340-6 - 1 edition - bookboon

watch_later الخميس، 6 أكتوبر 2016
Excel 2016 Introduction -  Stephen Moffat, The Mouse Training Company 

- ISBN: 978-87-403-1340-6  -  1 edition -



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  1. Introduction
    1. How to use this guide
  2. The basics
    1. Window elements
    2. Getting help
  3. Basic movement and usage
    1. Movement
    2. Data entry
    3. Editing
    4. Selection
  4. Formulae and functions
    1. Formulae
    2. Functions
    3. Absolute and relative references
  5. File operations
    1. Working with files
  6. Moving and copying data
    1. Cut, copy and paste
    2. Moving and copying between files
  7. Formatting
    1. Font group formats
    2. Number group formats
    3. Format cells dialog
    4. Formatting columns and rows
    5. Insert and delete cells, rows, columns or sheets
  8. Names
    1. Naming cells and ranges
    2. Name box
  9. Working with sheets
    1. Working with individual worksheets
    2. working with multiple sheets
    3. Protect worksheet data
    4. Views and windows tools
    5. Useful tools for large sheets
    6. Advanced navigation
  10. Printing
    1. Printing options
    2. Printing data (file print)
    4. Page set up dialog
    5. Margins tab
    6. Header/footer tab
    7. New methods for headers and footers in 2016
  11. Customising Excel
    1. Set Excel options

About the Author

Stephen Moffat has been a teacher in one form or another most of his life.
In 1998 Steve completed his studies and qualified with many training qualifications and started IT training for a little known company in the north of England. Restricted by company politics he quickly went freelance and never looked back. Training Microsoft Applications in the Public and private sector He moved to London and worked for many prestigious firms in the square mile and further afield. Training not only in England but working for international companies based in Europe saw him in several European countries training there.
Writing manuals since the early office versions found him basing his manuals on his classroom and mentoring experience shaping the structure of the manuals he wrote adding many topic hints not found in standard how to manuals.
Fully experienced with all Microsoft Applications Saw his manual writing, expand from the standard Word, Excel and PowerPoint to applications like Project and Visio.

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